
Saturday, 11 January 2014

The rise of technology- are children addicted to digital?

How young is too young when it comes to using digital technology? I remember when I was young and my summer holidays would be filled with fun adventures in the woods, playing on the swings and in the rainy days playing with Barbies. Now it seems that every child spends their free time playing on iPads, phones and computers games, should this be right?

So what made me start thinking about children and technology? Well, at the start of this academic year every child at my sisters secondary school were given iPads to ‘learn’ on, in which I thought this was absurd! They use them to write notes on, calculate maths and search the Internet for answers, for me I think this is cheating as the programming does it all from spell check to answering every question to the finest detail, how will they ever learn? I have also heard of other schools having no teacher present in the room and instead being stuck in front of a computer where they would be taught online over webcam and all work being uploaded online. Having no teacher in the room and constantly looking at a computer screen opposed to anything else, not only do I believe this harms their learning, but where is the social interaction?

This whole idea of technology taking over played on my mind even more when my sister got a game for Christmas that my mum used to play when she was little called ‘French Skipping’ which involved a rope and the person playing jumping either side of it.  She sort of looked at it in disgust as to say ‘a game? That’s not online? What on earth were you thinking mum?’ It really made me start to think, are playground games all over, is it all about technology these days and that when you don’t have the latest technical products your classed as a loser, an outsider? If only this could all be rubbish, but it’s not, technology IS taking over...

Having one computer in a house with dial up Internet connection is now unheard of today! In my childhood years my brother and I used to be allowed on this one computer to go online for 10 minutes each evening, where we would quickly speak to our friends on MSN and post on our Bebo accounts. This was our only time to talk to friends in the evening, unless we met at the park, as we had no mobile phones! Younger children today ask ‘but what did you used to do, were you not bored?’ well my evenings consisted of going out to play, playing board games or reading, and I was certainly not bored, so bearing in mind my childhood was not THAT long ago, children of today deem it as centuries ago!

It seems that the only outside world children know nowadays is when they are fighting the ‘baddie’ in computer games or pretending to play tennis on the Wii. A few years ago it was found that in the UK 58% of 2-5 year olds can play computer games but only 43% can ride a bike; even more so, 10% of this age range can use Smartphone’s whereas only 9% can tie shoes. Could this really be true, have children EVER seen the daylight?

It’s all well and good me saying that children are using too much technology, but it’s the parents that are supplying these products and teaching them how to use them. Do they not realise that they are turning their children into ‘cyber kids’? Is it right that they are learning to write on iPad’s opposed to pen and paper and not learning to cross their T’s and dot their I’s? Should parents and schoolteachers keep a closer eye on what is happening to these children, and reflect on whether they think it is right or wrong to let them this close to technology?

So that leaves me to ask you, do you think more needs to be done to stop technology taking over children, or do you think that with the rise in technology this is the way the world is moving forward and everyone needs to get with the times?

Thank you for reading,



  1. Wow I totally agree with you. I was out shopping at Westfield shopping centre, London yesterday and I saw a young mother pushing her toddler in his buggy, he must have been no more than 3 years old and he was playing with an I-pad in his buggy. What is wrong with him having his favourite toy like a car or cuddly bear or a book. If he has a toddler tantrum it's a expensive thing to be thrown out of his buggy. Also I have seen in the tabloid paper Wayne Rooneys sun on a beach playing with his I-pad not a bucket and spade; what is wrong with parents these days. Let children be children and play with good old fashion toys, it is parents being lazy. God this makes my blood boil!

  2. Hi Helen,

    Thanks for sharing that you do think technology has got too much in this modern day and age for children. It's great to hear others opinions on the subject.

    What you saw the other day is what I see most days, I don't understand these children that have this much technology, I don't even have an iPad when young children do! I think this is what will become of society and everyone will have to keep up with each other whether that's the parents or the children in competition!

    I think it is deemed acceptable by the celebrity culture as it is like I said a competition for who can have the latest craze. It's then society who look up to celebrities to do the same thing, whether this is the latest technology for babies or the ultimate slimming diet plan!

    I too share the same opinion with you that children should be playing with good old fashion toys, but is technology the way society is heading now and this is what will be the future? We can't change what is already being done, but is it really right?

    If only all parents could think the way you do...but then imagine being the child that is given a skip rope to play with whilst all their friends have iPads and phones to play with, they would feel hard done by and that they are missing out. It's hard to know what would be the right thing to do, but I really do not think children should be using this much technology.

    I hope you appreciate my views and it would be great to see you comment back.


    1. No problem in sharing my views with you, think also it puts pressure on parents to buy these items for their children when maybe they cannot afford them. Also if the children use i-pads etc just before bedtime it can delay them getting to sleep as their brain is still active when in fact they should be having a good bedtime story.

    2. Hi Helen,
      Thanks for commenting back again!
      That is a good point, with all this technology certainly comes a large amount of cost!
      It is known for people to be unable to switch off when using phones/ipads right before sleep, even adults let alone children. It really should be controlled in my opinion!

